Jean Archer #4, Book #1 on Audible, appearances.
The work on Jean Archer #4 has been cruising along. I wanted to get the initial rough draft of Starriders #3 on paper, before jumping into Jean Archer #4 and Spirit Wise. That’s been accomplished, though it’s really awful! However, as I’ve said many times, I can’t edit something if it’s not written down.
Progress is going well with Jean Archer #4. I’m currently at about 12.5k words, and adding more every day. I don’t have a timeline on a completion, but I have been feeling the crush of the impending conclusion of one of my favorite story lines. I’ve been asked about extending the book past 4, or creating a new series starring Jean and her friends. I have no intention to extend, because this story arc is only designed for 4 books, and I’d only write another set of Jean Archer books if I find an arc that would do her justice. I’m not into “money grabs”.
I have also been doing some “motivational” spec covers, mostly just for my own amusement. I’ve posted all 3 of them on Insta, and so I’m going to display them, below:

I love them all, but I’d be curious what you think.
On to The Big News. I am now working with voice actress Michelle Williams on the Jean Archer #1 audiobook for Audible. Michelle is awesome and has really captured the essence of the characters. I don’t have a release date on it, yet, but as soon as I do, I’ll post it here.
For more information on Michelle and her work, you can find her online at Jean Archer is listed in her WHAT’S THE STORY? section.
I’m super excited to be working with Michelle and I’ve no doubt that the Audible book is going to be fantastic!
(Yes, it’s a bit weird to hear my work read by someone besides myself or Alexa!)
Don’t forget to Follow me on Amazon, so that you can be alerted to updates and publication dates.
For those located in Salt Lake and Utah counties, I will be doing a book signing at the new Barnes & Noble in American fork on June 29 at 3PM. Come on out, it would be great to see you!
Lastly, I’ve posted a couple updates to the Ask the Author channel, so feel free to click below and laugh at my cheesy mug.
Well, that’s about it.
Wishing you all a happy and safe week, and all the best!